November 2017 Prayer Calendar

by | Oct 31, 2017

Mountain Movers

Prayer Fellowship

November 2017

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Psalm 136.1 ESV

01: Revelation 7 Thank the Lord for the committed staff that are serving in the field!  Pray for unity, growth & health for them.

02: Isaiah 26.1-19 Thank the Lord that He gives us perfect peace as our minds & thoughts are fixed on Him, as we trust in Him!  Please pray that the newest group of TfN teachers would trust God steadfastly & experience His peace.

03: Joshua 3 Praise God that He leads us & gives us practical & clear instructions for every season & circumstance! Please pray that He would continue to give the MSI leadership team in the field clear direction & strategy in this season.

04: Psalm 43 Thank the Lord that we can put our hope in Him when we are feeling discouraged!  Pray for renewed hope in God for all those who are disheartened & downcast.

Sunday 05-06: Matthew 23 Praise God that He always provides for the work of MSI!

07-08: Micah 1-2 Thank God for the pastors in Southeast Asia who are faithful to serve those that God has entrusted to them!

09-10: Micah 3.1-5.1 Praise God for the way that He provided for the needs at Slippery Rock Children’s Home through the Kids Who Care trip!

11: Revelation 14.6-20 Thank God for the work of M Youth Centre & the teenager’s lives that are being impacted by their faithfulness.

Sunday 12-13: Matthew 24 Thank the Lord for His protection over MSI leadership, field workers, teachers & students!

14: Matthew 25.1-13 Thank the Lord for the promise of His return!  May we always be diligent to keep our lamps full so that we will be ready when the Son of Man comes.

15-16: Judges 4.1-5.11a Give thanks to the Lord that He makes a way where there is no way! He will continue to make impossible things possible.

17: Judges 5.11b-31 Let us rejoice for the opportunity to break ground at the new TfN site!  Pray that construction will run smoothly.

18: Matthew 25.14-30 Praise God for the faithful men & women serving in the field!  As they have been faithful with little, pray that God will make them ruler over much.

Sunday 19-20: 1 Thessalonians 3.6-5.12 We praise God for the faithful support of our prayer partners.  May God bless you, keep you and give you the desires of your heart.

21: Isaiah 21 Thanks be to God that His grace is sufficient! Please pray for grace for students who have to catch up on missed school work due to teachers being absent.

22-24: Zephaniah 1-3 Praise the Lord that He wins victory after victory & is always with us! He celebrates, sings over us & He refreshes us with His love.

25: Psalm 99-100 Shout praises to the Lord, everyone on this earth.  Be joyful & sing as you come to worship the Lord! The Lord is good! His love & faithfulness will last forever.

Sunday 26: Matthew 25.31-46 Praise God for the diligent team at C Empowerment Centre! May God’s love continue to shine through them!

27: Isaiah 64 Thank God for the generosity of our donors!  May God pour out His richest blessing on them & their families!

28-29: Matthew 8 Thank the Lord for the continued growth of the TfN program! Please pray for new applicants for the 2018-19 year.

30: John 12.12-26 Thank God for the faithful field workers who sacrifice so much! Please pray blessings over them & their families.

Click here to download a printable version of the calendar.