mustard-seed-international-school-teacher-trainingIt seems that everywhere you turn there is vast jungle or an abundance of water. The village? Imagine Venice, a beautiful city on top of the water. Replace the beautiful buildings with shacks, the clear water with a cappuccino river, and the gondolas with ramshackle boats powered by car engines slowly moving down the river-streets. There are people showering, doing laundry, and going to the toilet in the water. The heat and humidity are oppressive.

Our Mustard Seed site leader here, Pastor Santosa, amazes me. He has faithfully served this community for 14 years. He is an intelligent and wise business man who could have chosen to live a more affluent life, and yet he daily chooses to sacrifice his dreams for the sake of the people in this jungle community. Pastor Santosa expressed the need to continue to encourage and train God's workers in that region. He said “there is much do!”

Special MSI teams regularly travel to our schools to equip and encourage the workers there, and TransformNation (TfN) is the “next step” in empowering Pastor Santosa and the faithful teachers he leads.  Our TfN graduates are resourced, innovative and creative.  They come from villages like this and God has impressed upon their hearts a desire to serve Him alongside Pastor Santosa and others who are already doing His work in villages across this country.

 God is on the move in Indonesia.  Will you join Him?