God's Wings

by | Apr 21, 2020

God's Wings

Our TfN students have been taking extra precautions to avoid contracting Covid-19. They are confined to their dorm rooms and continue to study online. Everyday they have their temperature checked and are encouraged to practice good hygiene. Jessica, one of our third year TfN students, shares from her experience:

“It's been several weeks since I first heard about the new virus spreading around the world. And now, it has come to our island and to the cities nearby. I am far away from my family, not a single day passes that I don't think about them. What would I do if any of them get sick? I admit that it worries me.

But instead of letting fear captivate me, I choose to focus on God's word. I choose to let His words fill my restless mind and anxious heart. His promise in Psalm 91:1-10 says that I am protected under His wings. Not only me, but my family and anyone who believes in and relies on Him. I have been studying His promises, letting them sink into my heart, and they strengthen me.

For all my friends of Mustard Seed, I just want to encourage you that we can find refuge under His wings. Even though a thousand may fall beside us or ten thousand at our right side, we will not be shaken because Jesus is with us.





Title Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash