Fundraising Toolkit

Are you ready? We are all in!

We want your fundraising journey to be easy and fun.
These are some tools that will be useful for you to reach your fundraising goal.

Getting Started

We're thankful for your unwavering support and are thrilled that you've decided to make an even bigger impact by becoming a Go the Distance fundraiser

1. Set Your Goal

Setting a goal for your fundraiser is your first step. Research suggests that an initial goal of $200 is a good place to start. Once you've reached your goal, you can increase it and raise more funds. To jumpstart your campaign, be the first one to donate! Showcasing that you're not only a supporter but also a donor will encourage your network to give.

2. Tell Your Story

Your story is what will catch the interest of potential supporters so your goal is to make it as impactful as possible. It's important to communicate how Mustard Seed's mission has impacted your life in a meaningful way and why you've decided to fundraise on our behalf.

Adding personal touches to your fundraising campaign, such as a personal photo, will help your donors connect with your mission. You can also share stories, photos or videos available on this page to add to your fundraising campaign.

3. The Best Way to Share

The success of your fundraising campaign depends on the amount and ways that you're sharing your campaign with friends, family, and colleagues. Social media, email, text messaging, and word of mouth are some of the best ways to get your request noticed. Get personal and select a handful of your closest family and friends to reach out to as you announce your campaign. Close friends and family are more likely to donate, so getting them on board will let the rest of your network see that people are already supporting the cause.

Fundraising Ideas

Below are some ideas that you can do for your fundraising:


Share how far you will walk, run, ride, or swim for this challenge. Ask your friends and family to support and donate to help you reach your goal.


Put your skills into sweet and artsy gifts for Indonesian children. Let your supporters know that you will sell your food and artwork to raise money for education.


Washing cars, walking dogs, or cleaning yards are some ideas you can offer to your family and friends in exchange for their support!


Do you know that 84% of people will give if you promise to match their donation? Set your goal amount and let them know that you will match each donation they make.

Copy, Paste, and Start Fundraising!

We've included pre-written communications for you to use at every major campaign milestone to make fundraising as easy as pie.

When to send: Right after you've completed setting up your fundraising campaign.

Purpose: To let your online network know that you've signed on to raise funds for the #GotheDistance Challenge and that you need their help. Basically, you've got to get the word out to everyone you know to help you reach your fundraising goals. The goal is to share, share, share!


EMAIL Subject Line: Together we can change the lives of Indonesian children!

Hey, [Name]! I've got exciting news! I'm participating in the Go the Distance Challenge with Mustard Seed International to give children a chance to go to school. I'm committed to helping raise [$Goal] and could really use your help. Now through June 30th, we can double our impact. Every donation made to provide children with life-changing education will be doubled to fund classroom expansions. So each dollar given is worth $2. 

For many children in Indonesia a good quality education is simply out of reach. Can you imagine growing up without a school in your neighborhood? Sadly, this is the reality for many people throughout Indonesia. The good news is, we can change this!

Join me in making a lasting impact by visiting my fundraising page at [your page URL] and make a donation today!

Want to maximize your impact? Sign up to be a fundraiser here and start spreading the news!

Can't donate or become a fundraiser? No worries. Consider forwarding this email to your friends and family to get the word out.

Thanks for helping me to Go the Distance!


Hey friends, I've signed on to help Mustard Seed International raise funds to help vulnerable children through the #GotheDistance Challenge. Join me in making a lasting impact by visiting my fundraising page at [your page URL] and make a donation today!

When to send: When you’re halfway to meeting your fundraising goal.

Purpose: To share that you're halfway to meeting your fundraising goal and still need help to get to the finish line. The tone should be excited in nature and get your network to feel motivated to help you reach your goals.


EMAIL Subject Line: We're halfway there—$XX more to go!

[Name], Guess what? I've got great news—I'm halfway to reaching my personal fundraising goal for the Go the Distance Challenge! Pretty awesome, right? All the money raised will help more children in Indonesia to receive life-changing education. Will you help me move the needle forward with a donation? Visit my fundraising page at [your page URL] and make a donation today!

If you have a few more minutes today, can I tell you about Fitri? At only 7 years old, she used to walk for hours just to go to school! Now, thanks to Mustard Seed International, Fitri's school is only ten minutes away! To see how she is doing, click here.

If Fitri's story is near and dear to your heart like it is mine, would you help me to reach my goal so we can help Mustard Seed support children like Fitri?

Let's Go the Distance!


Guess what? I'm halfway there—only $XX more to go to meet my fundraising goal to provide more children with life-changing education. Donate now and help me to go all the way! [your page URL] #MSIGotheDistance

When to send: One (1) day before the fundraiser ends.

Purpose: To inform your network that time is running out and they can help you reach your goals by donating and/or sharing your fundraiser with their network. These messages create a sense of urgency with a time-sensitive deadline so your network knows they only have a little time left to help you reach your goals.


EMAIL Subject Line: I’m close to my goal—will you help me reach it?

Hi [Name]! Believe it or not, I've raised [Amount $ Raised] for the Go the Distance Challenge with Mustard Seed International to help more children receive life-changing education. I'm only [$XX] away from reaching my fundraising goal. If you haven't donated yet, would you please donate now? Here you can watch a video of how your money will make a big difference for children in Indonesia.

If you've already donated, please consider one more gift: share my link [your page URL] with your family, friends, and social networks. Imagine how much more can be accomplished if everyone joins in. Let's go!

Thanks a bunch!


I've already raised $XX for the #MSIGotheDistance Challenge and I'm $XX away from meeting my fundraising goal! There's only one day left and I need your help. Please share/donate now here [your page URL] #MSIGotheDistance

When to send: When the campaign ends or you've hit your goal.

Purpose: To let your network know that the campaign has ended and/or you've reached your fundraising goals. The tone should be congratulatory and should thank your network for their contributions of donations/shares. This is also a great way to share the impact of their support.


EMAIL Subject Line: We did it!

[Name], with your help and support, I raised [$XX] in the Go the Distance Challenge with Mustard Seed International! I can't thank you enough. Together, we will now be able to help more children in Indonesia go to school, get an education, and be discipled—that's a huge deal. I hope you feel good about your contribution because I sure appreciate it.

I hope we can continue to help organizations, like Mustard Seed International, reach their fundraising goals. Change happens one person at a time, and I'm happy we were able to make a difference together.

Thanks again for helping me to Go the Distance!


We did it! Thank you all who helped me reach my fundraising goal of $XX for Mustard Seed International. Change happens one person at a time, so I'm thrilled we were able to make a difference together. Look what we did: [your page URL] #GotheDistance

When to send: One (1) week after the campaign has ended.

Purpose: To thank everyone who helped support you in reaching your fundraising goals with a personal message.


EMAIL Subject Line: Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you.

Dear [Supporter Name],

We did it! Thanks to your support, I met my fundraising goal of $XX in the Go the Distance Challenge with Mustard Seed International. They're now one step closer to achieving their mission of educating children through transformative Christian education in Indonesia. How wonderful is that?

I'm grateful to have my friends and family join me in raising money for such a great cause. Reaching this goal is a testament to what we can achieve if we all work together. I couldn't have done it without you.

I hope we can make some more fundraising dreams come true again in the future.

Key Messages

Here are a few key messages that might help to get you started.
More can be found at

Why Indonesia?

  • Indonesia is home to 64 million children between the ages of 0-14.
  • The country is stimultaneously a diverse, complex, and multicultural nation with 633 recognized ethnic groups that speak 742 different languages.
  • There are educational challenges due to populations scattered across 17,000 islands.
  • Quality teachers are lacking, especially in remote areas.
  • In cities, Christian education is considered private and mostly unaffordale for underprivilege families.
  • There is great opportunity to train indigeneous teachers to bring transformative Christian eduaction to children and communities in need.

Why Christian Education?

We believe that the most effective way to reach out to children, set them free from poverty, and share the knowledge of God is through great teachers. Mustard Seed International is connecting isolated communities with the education that every child deserves. We do this by training indigenous youth to become quality educators with the capacity to change the future of Indonesia.Mustard Seed International empowers the next generation and establishes thriving communities through a holistic model of transformative Christian Education. How do we do it?

WE TEACH: We plant seeds of hope in the hearts of children because we believe that life-giving education can change the future of Southeast Asia.

WE LOVE: We love because God first loved us. It is this love that compels us to go into remote areas to start schools, care for orphans and serve those in need.

THEY LEAD: We believe in the importance of local leadership; therefore, we train and equip indigenous youth with the necessary tools to help their society flourish.

What is the goal of this fundraising initiative?

The 2023 #GotheDistance Challenge raises funds to connect underprivileged and marginalized children in Indonesia with life-changing education. All funds raised will be used to help:

  • Provide scholarship for underprivilege children.
  • Build more classrooms at CI School in Middle Java.
  • Send teachers to disciple children on the Island of Promise Lesser Sunda Island.
  • Build more classrooms on the Island of Promise, Lesser Sunda Island.

Click to see pictures and videos of CI School and The Island of Promise

Financial Accountability

Financial contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law.

We are a 501(c) (3) organization (EIN 95-2053950) in the USA and a Canadian registered charity (BN 10775 6819).

Mustard Seed International is committed to financial integrity and accountability with a proven history of faithful management of donated funds. Governed by a board of directors, our financials are reviewed and prepared annually in accordance with accounting principles by independent auditors.

We prioritize security, privacy, and confidentiality; therefore, we do not rent or sell our mailing and contributor lists. We assure high standards of governance and accountability through accredited membership with the American Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities.