It wasn’t the mountains, it was their stories. It wasn’t the blue skies over the expanse of golden crops, it was their generosity. It wasn’t the distant prairie horizon; it was their faithfulness to Mustard Seed in bringing Jesus to the children of Southeast Asia.
We’re just back from a 37-day trip to the west coast and I’m overflowing with gratitude for everyone we met; for those who welcomed us into their homes for tea, a meal, overnight, and into their churches, their community centre, and into their Mustard Seed memories. Memories of hosting Lillian Dickson and her travel companion Mrs. Wagner and the gifts Lillian gave; of their mother’s and aunt’s love for the mission so long ago; stories of Typhoon Lil’ perched on a box as she brought the mission field alive; of Paul Richardson being his best school principal ever; of Paul’s grandfather being their pastor, of Paul’s leadership when serving with him overseas and of their prayer life and sacrifice for the sake of Mustard Seed’s students and indigenous leaders. Thank you Mustard Seed supporters. You are amazing!
by Lucie Howell