August 2019 Prayer Calendar

by | Aug 1, 2019

Mountain Movers

Prayer Fellowship

August 2019

“For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything He does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.” Psalms 33:4-5

01: Hosea 11.1-11 Praise God for the TfN trainees who have returned from their field placements with a real hunger to know God. Having seen the problems in these remote areas firsthand, they are acknowledging and seeking God as the only solution.

02: Ecclesiastes 1 Please pray for an MSI Board member who celebrates his 78th birthday today. May he have health, strength and longevity as he continues to diligently serve MSI.

03-04: Ecclesiastes 2 Please pray for the TfN graduates who have completed the first four years of the program and have recently begun their internships in remote areas. Pray for grace and ease for them in this season of transition.

05: Ecclesiastes 3.1-15 Thank God for faithful supporters and prayer partners who support the work in Southeast Asia. May they continue to be filled up to overflowing!

06-07: Daniel 7 Please pray for 5 TfN interns who have been diagnosed with severe hepatitis B. Pray for the resources needed to treat those who are already infected and immunizations for those who are not.

08: Isaiah 1.1-20 Please pray for Anita, a 4th year TfN student, to be strong in God and serve Him.

09: Psalms 33 Pray for Pastor Jim and Nita in S Village as they minister to an area that is bound by ancient strongholds of animism.

10: Psalms 50 Please pray for students who are struggling academically. May their teachers have the wisdom and strategies needed to help them.

Sunday 11-12: Luke 12.22-59 Pray for individuals assuming new leadership positions this school year, that God will give them wisdom and understanding to equip them for their new roles.

13: Isaiah 4.2-5.7 Pray for Anthony, a 4th year TfN student, who desires to become a strong leader in the remote area where he is from.

14: Psalms 80 Praise God for the completion of the fish pond at Slippery Rock Children’s Home. Please pray for an abundance of fish!

15: Luke 1.26-38 Please pray for MSI supporters who need strength and hope today. May they be encouraged that “Nothing is impossible for God.”

16-17: Jeremiah 23.9-24.10 Pray for Michael, a 4th year TfN student, to remain enthusiastic for learning.

Sunday 18: Jeremiah 25.1-18 Please pray for the children in our MSI children's homes, as they often come out of poor, broken backgrounds.

19: Jeremiah 26.1-19 Please pray for the community of believers in the River Village as they work on finishing their building. May the Lord strengthen them, protect them, and use the building for His glory.

20: Luke 13.10-21 Please pray for healing for the father of Dana, one of our TfN students, who is very sick as a result of a recent accident.

21-22: Hebrews 12 Praise God for the schools that are opening as a result of the Elevate teacher-training program! Pray for the resources and buildings that are needed.

23: Isaiah 58 Please pray for our International Director as he celebrates his birthday today. May he continue to serve the Lord in wisdom and strength this year and beyond!

24: 1 Corinthians 4.1-17 Please pray for Randy, a 4th year TfN student, who wants to teach and love children like Jesus.
Sunday 25: Philippians 1.12-30 Please pray for those in the field, that they would be courageous and bring honor to Christ as they share God’s love.

26: Luke 1.5-25 Pray for two of our national partner couples who long to have children (Susillo & Iyo at JB School; Eric & Hannah at CEC).

27: Luke 3.1-14 Praise God for the progress Kiera has made in her language studies! Please pray that she would continue to increase in her knowledge.

28: Luke 7.18-35 Please pray for Victor, a TfN student in his final year, as he prepares for his thesis and internship in a remote area.

29: Luke 9.1-17 Please pray for field worker, Grace, as she celebrates her birthday today. May her joy be full as she faithfully serves!

30: Hebrews 13 Please pray for MSI donors and prayer partners who need healing today. May they sense a touch from God as we pray!

31: Jeremiah 2.1-19 Please pray for peace where there is relational conflict. May those who represent Christ in Southeast Asia have favor with all people.

*Code names are used to provide privacy.

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