Written By Karen

My husband affectionately refers to his mother as a ‘broken cookie eater’ … the kind of woman who always gives the best cookies to her children, eating the broken bits only after they've had their fill. #2 pg 2. AllandDharmawan_02_1 (Custom)BHis childhood memories are filled with moments of his mother putting the needs of her children ahead of her own, not from a sense of duty or obligation, but out of love. This month as we celebrate mothers, we at Mustard Seed International (MSI) want to honour ‘broken cookie eaters' of all kinds.

We want to honour the grief-filled mothers in Indonesia who have said good-bye to their children, sending them to far-away places for an education because their villages have no #3 pg 2.6_1x1 (Custom)Bschool. We hear their cries. MSI trains quality teachers, bringing education to villages so that families can stay united. We envision a future where every village has a school, every school has an equipped teacher, and every child has the opportunity to learn.

We want to honour the women all over this beautiful country who have opened their hearts and homes to be mothers to the motherless, caring for the orphaned and abandoned in Mustard Seed children's homes. We thank them. We know the sacrifices they make; we have seen their compassion and love as they humbly serve.

And there are many more ‘broken cookie eaters’ around this world who are deserving of so much more honour than they receive. Not just mothers, but grandmas, aunties, sisters, teachers and friends. Women who selflessly love and serve the children God has placed in their care or influence. We pray God's richest blessings upon them. May their hearts be filled to overflowing, may they know they are cared for as they care for others, and may they be renewed by His strength at the dawning of each new day.

Happy Mother’s Day.

 Proverbs 31: 30-31

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Honour her for all that her hands have done,

And let her works bring her praise at the city gate.