Pray for Encouragement

Site Report: M-High School in M-Village By Mr. Dumadi Each morning begins with pumping up the day's water supply. This is especially toilsome during dry seasons. This year has seen both sadness in the passing of elders and joy in the birth of a new child and the...

Difficult but not Disheartened

Site Report – PR Village By: Mrs. Wiwik The support providing education for fatherless children, orphans and those from broken homes is still going on strong. Starting from this July, the middle school has received new students for the coming academic year and these...

Challenges Faced

The majority of people living nearby P school come from low economic status and the parents of students cannot afford to pay for school. Many of the children receive aid through Compassion. The parents do not encourage their children to study and as a result, the kids...

Testimony From The Field

by Mrs. Arti Mothers who were walking their children to school started to gather for a free outreach clinic at P-School. The 60 people who were attended the clinic, each shared stories about their personal lives. The team followed up by praying with each individual...

It takes a whole village

“It takes a whole village to raise a child.” – Nigerian proverb. This timeless and relevant Nigerian proverb echoes what was written in Ecclesiastes 4:9 -12. And the TransformNation Recruitment team knows all too well how this communal responsibility works. The...

A Visitor’s reflection

“Mr. Sani is the leader of the Mustard Seed children’s home we visited. God led him out of animistic darkness into the light of the Gospel when he was a boy. When we shared in a circle on the first night, he was nearly the last person to give his name and share his...