February 2019 Prayer Calendar

by | Feb 4, 2019 | 1 comment

Mountain Movers

Prayer Fellowship

February 2019 

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

Friday February 01: Malachi 3.1-12 Praise God for the faithfulness of Santosa & Leah who have served faithfully in the challenging area of River Village for almost 20 years.

02: Luke 2.22-40 Praise God for His presence in Santosa & Leah’s ministry. His light is so obvious in the community where they live.

Sunday 03 Hebrews 2: Praise God for the construction in progress on a large new church building for a community that has outgrown their current building!

04: Isaiah 6: Praise God for the spirit of ownership among the congregation, as women, men, & youth work together on the construction as volunteers, literally building their own church building.

05: Psalm 138 Pray for physical protection over the community as they work on the construction of the church.

06-07: 1 Corinthians 15.1-34 Pray for teenagers who travel long distances from villages that don't have high schools.  Some live with Mustard Seed leaders & their families & others live in dormitories.

08-09: 1 Corinthians 15.35-58 Pray for students at Slippery Rock to be mentored well & to make lifelong commitments to follow Christ.

Sunday 10: Luke 4.31-44 Pray for the Mustard Seed leader families who receive young people into their homes.

11: Luke 5.1-26 Pray for God's protection over their households & for wisdom in discipling these young people.

12: Luke 6.1-19 Pray for new believers who make decisions to follow Christ after growing up in animistic & other religious backgrounds.

13: Psalm 1 Pray that their faith will grow strong & that they will be mature in Christ.

14: Song of Songs 7.6-8.7 Pray for those who feel unloved as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. May God encounter them with his unending love.

15: Jeremiah 17.1-13 Thank the Lord for His protection over MSI leadership, field workers, teachers & students.

16 Sunday 17: 1 Corinthians 1.4-31 Pray for a married couple Susilo & his wife, who teach in one of Mustard Seed's more remote school locations.  Their heart's desire is for a child of their own. They have had several miscarriages.

18: Luke 6.32-49 Pray for a young family serving in a village where Mustard Seed has a new kindergarten.  It is not an easy place for them to live. He serves as a pastor, & she is a teacher at the school.  They have a young son.

19: 1 Samuel 26 Pray for the women in River Village, who expressed a feeling of confusion about understanding the Scriptures.

20-21: Genesis 45 Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their minds & hearts as they read the Word, & for them to receive the teaching & training that they need & desire.

22-23: Psalm 37 Pray for leaders who respond to humanitarian needs in their communities, that God would give them wisdom, compassion, & resources to help in the love of Christ.

Sunday 24: Psalm 103 Pray for perseverance for national believers who are called to serve in long-term leadership positions in difficult areas.

25-26: Deuteronomy 32.1-44 Pray for the Gospel to bear fruit in these areas, & for God to encourage their hearts as they are able to see Him at work.

27: Deuteronomy 34 Pray for a young man that

lives with Santosa & Leah. He is a leader of a small church community in a village that is very poor.  May God give him strength, compassion, & wisdom for pastoring the people in this small village.

28: 2 Kings 2.1-18 Pray for the same young man & his desire to be married, that God would provide a wife who would embrace & share his calling to serve long-term in that village.

Click here to download a printable .pdf version of the prayer calendar.

1 Comment

  1. e

    Hi Partner,
    we thank you so much for your calender which i have received for February.We are so thankful indeed.