July 2019 Prayer Calendar

by | Jul 1, 2019

Mountain Movers

Prayer Fellowship

July 2019

“Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor & majesty,” – Psalms 104:1

01: Colossians 3.1-17 Pray for the new group of TfN students that arrive this month. May they adapt to their new home & excel academically.

02: Habakkuk 1.12-2.4 Praise God for a faithful donor who provided full support for the first year TfN students last year! Please pray for sponsors for them as they are entering their second year & are now in need of support.

03: Hebrews 10.19-39 Pray for students & teachers who are living far away from family. May they sense God’s closeness & comfort.

04-05: Hebrews 11 Pray for Wilson and the TfN team as they welcome & provide support to the new TfN students who are transitioning into the program.

06: Isaiah 66 Please pray for the TfN graduation today. Pray for confidence & boldness for the graduates who will be travelling to remote areas to teach. May they be blessed to be a blessing!

Sunday 07: Luke 10.1-20 Please pray for the daughter of field workers as she celebrates her 15th birthday today. May she be filled with the joy & hope of believing, this year & beyond!

08: Amos 3 Pray for the new TfN training system that is being implemented throughout July. Please pray for a smooth transition & great results!

09-10: Amos 5 Praise God that Pastor Santosa has recovered from dengue fever! Thank the Lord for the power of prayer.

11: Amos 7 Please pray for TfN coaches who feel weary as a result of trainees who are struggling.  May they find new hope & strength in the Lord!

12: Psalms 82 Pray for Wren & Angie’s son as he celebrates his 9th birthday today. May he experience life & joy in abundance!

13: Colossians 1.1-14 Please pray for unity of vision amongst our field team. May their highest goal always be to glorify God.

Sunday 14-15: Luke 10.21-42 May we all live out the commandment: “to love our neighbours as ourselves.” Pray that villages in SE Asia would experience the love of God through MSI’s presence in neighbouring communities.

16: Amos 8 Please pray for divine connections in expanding the work of MSI.

17: Amos 9 Please pray for wisdom for Pastor Sani & Elka as they love & mentor the children living at Slippery Rock children’s home.

18: Psalms 52 Thank God for the grade 1 classroom that opened this month on the island of Promise! Please pray for good success.

19: Psalms 15-16 Pray that the Lord would guide the TfN interns & His teachings would fill their minds. May they always look to Him as He stands beside them, so they will not be shaken.

20: Colossians 1.15-29 Please pray for pastors to remain deeply rooted & firm in their faith, never giving up the hope that they received.

Sunday 21: Philippians 1.1-11 Thank God for the local businessman that is funding teacher training & the construction of kindergartens in SE Asia. May he continue to be blessed to be a blessing!

22: John 20.1-18 Pray for our international director as he continues to implement the expansion of transformative education.

23-24: Genesis 18 Praise God with Sarah as she celebrates another year of life today!  Her heart's desire is to serve God & share His love with those around her in SE Asia. Please ask God to lead her as she serves overseas while her children are transitioning to life as young adults in the US.

25: Mark 10.35-45 Pray for focused, energetic & committed individuals to help advance the growth of MSI overseas.

26: Hosea 1 Please pray for continued favor for MSI with the governing authorities in SE Asia.

27: Hosea 2.1-13 Pray for favor with village leaders where MSI schools are planted.

Sunday 28-30: Luke 11 Please pray for children who are struggling academically, that they would flourish & succeed in their studies.

31: Luke 12.1-21 Please pray that more doors will continue to open for Mustard Seed schools in areas where education is lacking.

27: Joshua 11 Please pray for MSI supporters who are facing health challenges, that they would experience grace, strength & healing.

28-29: Joshua 12-13.14 Please pray for a revelation of God’s love for every child & youth that MSI comes in contact with.

30: Acts 1.1-11 Please pray for protection & health for MSI’s field workers & their families.

31: Luke 1.39-56 Please pray that Christ would be lifted high in SE Asia!

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