March 2019 Prayer Calendar

by | Mar 1, 2019

Mountain Movers

Prayer Fellowship

March 2019

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

Friday March 01: Exodus 34.1-35 Thank God that we have the freedom to practice our faith freely. As we join together today on World Prayer Day, let us remember those who do not have this freedom.

02: 2 Corinthians 3 Pray for all the trainees who will be teaching classes this semester. Pray that they would work diligently to put what they have learned about teaching into practice.

Sunday 03 Luke 9.28-43 Pray that they would enjoy teaching & desire to improve their skills.

04: Psalm 99 Pray for personal insight into their performance so they can self-diagnose problems & move themselves on.

05: 2 Corinthians 5.11-6.10 Pray for the building process of the new school on the Island of Promise. We thank our supporters for their tremendous help to the expansion of kindergartens in remote village.

06 Joel 2.1-17 As we prepare for the Easter season, let us thank God for sending His one & only Son to save us all.

07: Deuteronomy 26.1-15 Give thanks for the way Victory Place is being used for Spiritual retreats by Indonesian church leaders.

08: Psalm 91 Pray for all the women in leadership as we celebrate International Women’s Day. May they feel accepted & supported to carry out His work.

09: Romans 10.5-21 Praise God for the way business is developing at Victory Place. They are now raising rabbits & making fodder for the animals.

Sunday 10: Luke 4.1-13 Victory Place staff practice making soap, tofu & shampoo with TransformNation students. May the Lord bless their creativity.

11: Genesis 15 Give thanks for the joy TfN students bring Victory Place as they share in the planting & harvesting for their daily meals.

12: Psalm 27 Pray for CNA high school students as they prepare for a mission trip to the Island of Promise.

13: Philippians 2.12-30 Victory Place has new occupants; two Merino ewes & a pair of Sundoro goats. Pray that they will thrive & multiply.

14: Philippians 3 TfN students raised funds & put on a festival to raise the awareness of a small Christian school in the neighborhood. Praise God.

15-16: Philippians 4 TfN students led a prayer retreat after being challenged to pray for the future. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue feeding their hopes & dreams.

Sunday 17: Luke 13.22-35 Thank God for the pastors in Southeast Asia who are faithful to serve those that God has entrusted to them.

18: 2 Samuel 7.1-17 Pray for hope for any TfN students that feel disheartened as they are away from their family.

19: Luke 2.41-52 Pray for wisdom for MSI’s leadership team. May God give them visions & dreams for the future of MSI.

20: Exodus 3.1-17 Pray for our MSI administrator Erin, as she returns after a one year maternity leave. May she transition & adjust well back into her role at the office.

21: Isaiah 55 Pray for MSI field workers, that they would have boldness, confidence & protection as they share the Good News about Jesus.  

22: Psalm 63 Pray for MSI supporters who are facing health challenges, that they would experience grace & healing.

23: 1 Corinthians 10.1-17 Pray for the teenagers at M Youth Centre. May they embrace truth.

Sunday 24: Luke 13.1-9 Pray for students as they dream for their future. May they be shaped and guided by the Lord.

25: Psalm 40 Pray that our TfN students would be bold witnesses.

26: Joshua 1 Pray for our leaders, that they would continue to have a servant heart.

27: Joshua 2 Give thanks for every student who has been chosen to be part of the TfN program. May they feel called and may God mark them during this season.

28: Joshua 3 Pray for grace, peace and endurance for our fieldworkers and students. May God bless and protect them through every endeavor.

29: Joshua 4 Thank God for Sonia as she served as our MSI administrator for the past year. Today is her last day. May God bless in this new season.

30: Joshua 5 Pray for a safe and successful school year for our students.

Sunday 31: Luke 15.11-32 Thank God for our faithful field workers who sacrifice so much. Pray a blessing over them & their families.

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