Kashi is exceptional.
She comes from a city of approximately 10,000
people on an island where more than 36% (1) of adults cannot read or
write. She lives in a country where fewer than 23% (2) of the population
has the privilege of continuing their education in University, and the
average student leaves school by the age of 13 (3). Yet she has risen
above the average. She worked against the odds to complete her high
school education where she was at the top of her class. Now, she is
studying with MSI's teacher training program TransformNation (TfN) and
when she is finished she will be in the top 13% (4) of educated
Indonesians, graduating with an education degree, and trained beyond
what University has to offer in leadership skills, creativity, and
Kashi dreams of “seeing my city led by local Papuans who fear God. To realize this dream, Papua needs high-quality Christian teachers, and I am excited about the possibility that TransformNation (TfN) has provided for me to play a role in Papua’s transformation.“ Kashi, and MSI's other TfN students and graduates know that through education they will be agents of change. They will bring hope to the hopeless child. They know, as famous American astronaut and educator Christa McAuliffe once said, “I teach, I touch the future.”
3. www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/id.html