September 22, 2020
As CI School on Java Island goes through yet another transition, God is at work transforming lives.
Over the past few years, Anton and Sinta (MSI site leaders at CI School) have been intentional about building a community within their school. When the school needed to find a new place to rent, Anton spotted an old abandoned Dutch School building they could use. The foundation that owned the building agreed to lease the place, but it needed a lot of repairs and cleaning.
The fruit of CI School’s effort in community building came together during the move, in the form of amazing support. As the word got out about the move, teachers, administrators, parents, students, and even alumni, began volunteering to help with this big project. They came without being asked to clean up, paint, organize, and move all the furniture to the new school building. They also brought food, snacks, and drinks for all who were helping. After only two weeks, the school building renovation was complete. What a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ working together!
With the move, CI school was able to add more classrooms and is now ready to disciple and transform the lives of 255 students.
After the new building began its operation, one of the parents came to Anton and told him a story about how the move transformed her life. She explained how angry she was when she learned that CI School was going to move to the old Dutch building, as she herself had a traumatic experience when she attended school there as a child. She had promised that she would never let her kids go to school in that building. But God then reminded her that long ago, every time she passed by the school, she would pray that the scary building would become a school that teaches love and upholds true Christian values. She was able to calm down when she realized that God had actually answered her prayers with the move. She went to the new CI School by herself and had a healing encounter with the Lord. She felt a different atmosphere, a peaceful one, in the new building. She finally knew that this new school is a special place for her daughter and that God will do something beautiful here. At last, she was healed.
Not only was the abandoned building transformed into a fully functional school, but God had used it to transform hearts. A parent’s heart was healed, and we believe the school will continue to transform the lives of hundreds of children in the future.
See below the transformation of CI School: