August 31, 2024
Ariel came as a 4th grade student to Charis Institute Solo in Java (CI School). He was expelled from his previous school because of his disrespectful attitude. Rejected by all the other schools he tried to apply to, he blew his last opportunity when he let his anger get the best of him and he violently lashed out at another student.

Anton, founder of CI School, decided to take a chance on Ariel. He saw Ariel as more than his brokenness. “I found out that Ariel often received harsh physical discipline at home. I believed that by giving him this opportunity, unconditional love and fair discipline, God could transform him.” In his first year at CI School, Anton noticed that Ariel was dominated by rage and lacked self-control. “Every time Ariel made a mistake, we applied a consequence, but we discussed it, and ended with hugs and jokes. We made sure that even though he was still working on his attitude, he was appreciated as a child and not being excluded.”
Now in 7th grade, Anton says he’s proud of Ariel as “he has managed to stop lashing out, has been able to show respect to teachers, and furthermore, he shows care for his friends.” Anton believes that helping children to build Christ-like character is the best foundation for a successful future. “Developing character has been our focus at CI School, and all our teachers work together to fight the battle of brokenness and win.”
*Main picture: Each year, students at CI School participate in mission trips to bless their city to learn about generosity. Above, the students visited a community of garbage-pickers.