September 13, 2021

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, those at CI School in Java are keeping their heads up and continue serving their community


There was much to be done that day. But Anton made up his mind and strengthened his heart. The news that the families of twelve students had been infected by Covid-19 was overwhelming. Then he heard in the news that his island and city were declared the epicentre of the pandemic in Southeast Asia. Then, one of his students lost his father. As if all the bad news was not enough, the family of the deceased asked for help because none of the funeral homes were willing to do the funeral, due to the stigma surrounding the virus.

“I never thought I would be asked such a request,” Anton said. But as the leader of the school and the community, Anton decided to follow his heart. “I talked to my team leaders and we agreed to help them out with strict health protocols.”

Over the past few months, Indonesia’s Covid-19 death toll has continued to rise, with more than 40,000 daily cases reported. Anton realized that many young children have lost their parents. “We are here to be salt and light, especially to those who are left behind and forgotten,” he said.

Packages of emergency aid were prepared by Anton and his staff. Rice, mung beans, eggs, soap, honey, vitamins, milk, oil, and fruits were delivered to the students’ families who are in self-isolation. Anton extends his gratitude to the donors for their kindness. He also thanks Mustard Seed for its continuous support.

To lift spirits, online videos and devotions were made to be broadcast to the students. Praise the Lord that the island has good Internet connection to support distance learning. “Our teachers keep serving and praying for our students. We do not stop working. We produce online videos, and pray online together,” Anton continued.

With the passion to teach children, the first high school class opened to 11 junior high school students. The class was conducted fully online and the teachers poured out their efforts to make distance learning lessons attractive. “One of our teachers was self-isolating, but she kept serving online devotions for the students. We need to show them that even though our days are dark, we trust in the Lord, remain joyful, and hopeful in Him.”

Well done teacher Anton, we are proud of you and we keep you in our prayers!