July 15, 2024
Last June, the third generation of TransformNation (TfN) Interns, known as “Class C,” completed the 8 year program! Read below as they express their gratitude to MSI donors, share testimonies and future plans:
“One of my students passed away during my internship and I was grief-stricken. I realize that becoming a teacher means being part of the children’s lives, and every second is a precious opportunity. I thank God and my sponsor who helped me reach my dreams. I have decided that I will continue with this work of serving children.”
“My sponsor is my hero. Without him I wouldn’t be here. When I was a kid, my teacher beat me up just because I was late, even though I departed home at 4 a.m. and walked through hills for 3 hours to get to school.I grew up with an anger issue and bullied smaller children. TfN changed me. Now I know that my purpose is to teach kids with love.”
“I was raised in a culture of terror; scared of animistic spirits, afraid of adults abusing me, and mentally fragile because of adversities. During my TfN years, I have experienced hardships like culture shock, various sicknesses, and scarcity, but my TfN mentors taught me how to be faithful and depend more on God. I realize now how important it is to help children to have their identity in Christ.”
“TfN empowered me to become a good educator, transformed my mind, and shaped my character while I learned about God’s Word. I’m inspired by TfN leaders who have compassionate hearts. I will continue to share God’s love when I return to my family of the majority faith. Thank you to my sponsors!”
“TfN taught me to be a loving teacher with high adaptability. I learned how to respond well to different cultures and in challenging situations, including tribal wars. This is a skill that I developed so I will be ready anywhere God sends me. I’m ready to start an education center for my tribe and village. To my sponsors, thank you for supporting me!”
“During my internship, God exposed me to the challenges that many children face. Riots and poverty are a regular part of their lives. I’m grateful to be part of pioneering Christian education in remote villages for these children. Serving children is a part of me now. Everywhere I go, I’ll tell children about Jesus. Thank you to my sponsor for this opportunity.”