A Father to the Fatherless

A Father to the Fatherless

A Father to the Fatherless A Father to the Fatherless “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families” Psalm 68:5-6a We are happy to share with you a story of a fatherless child who...
Reshaped & Repurposed

Reshaped & Repurposed

Reshaped & Repurposed Reshaped & Repurposed Disappointment happens whenever reality is not aligned with our expectations. Could God have a bigger purpose in mind? The world is a different place. A few weeks ago my days were filled with lesson plans, teaching,...
Respond Positively

Respond Positively

Respond Positively Respond Positively Maybe it’s common for us to react emotionally when our expectations are not met and we’re left frustrated, but research shows that those who consciously choose to be positive in response to frustrating situations will develop the...
Stay Hopeful

Stay Hopeful

Stay Hopeful Stay Hopeful Meet Dorina, a first year TransformNation (TfN) student. Knowing that God was calling her to dedicate her life to help children she left her rural village to begin training as a mentor to teach and disciple children in remote villages like...
Stay Strong

Stay Strong

Stay Strong Stay Strong Siela, one of our TfN interns, has a unique background in the sense that her own family tried to stand in her way when she wanted to pursue an education. With courage and determination, she stood up for herself and, as a result, recently...