Go the Distance Challenge

Meet Lia & Alfrida.


These two 8 year olds walk 8 km every day, through dense and difficult terrain, just to reach their school in the Papuan Highlands.

In the past, Lia and Alfrida would walk this distance without a guarantee that their teachers would even arrive to teach them. Thanks to Mustard Seed, they can now walk with confidence because they have high quality, reliable educators ready and waiting to teach them. 
Will you go the distance for them this June so they can continue to receive the life changing education that they deserve?

This is How You Can Help Lia & Alfrida

  • Starting June 1st, you are invited to join in our #GotheDistance campaign to walk to raise funds for the children that Mustard Seed serves.
  • Getting involved is easy: from wherever you are, join this fundraiser by completing your own 8k walk (one way of Lia & Alfrida journey, or any covid-safe activity of your choice) between June 1st and June 30th. Runners, rollers, and cyclers, are welcome.
  • Choose to complete it in one day or break it up over the month; the choice is yours!
  • Want more of a challenge? Try completing the 8k while carrying water, uphill as Lia & Alfrida often do when they have to bring water back to their village. Be creative and feel free to customize the challenge to make it your own!
  • Register before May 15th and receive a customized fundraising page.
  • Share your mission with your friends and family, and ask them to sponsor you.

Unlock Your Rewards!

Record your progress activity by taking pictures and videos, using the hiking trail map. Share it in social media using the #GotheDistance hashtag, and unlock these rewards:


Unlock a virtual postcard from Alfrida when you complete your first 1K


Unlock digital artwork by Lia & Alfrida's friends in Papua when you reach 4K


Unlock a video clip from Lia & friends when you reach 50% of your fundraising goal


A celebration with Paul, Cyndi, Lia, & Alfrida awaits you as you reach your 8K or your fundraising goal