January 15, 2025
My First Year with Mustard Seed in Indonesia
By Danielle
It was August 2023 when I committed myself to join Mustard Seed’s team in Indonesia. My initial plan was to share my entrepreneurial skills by building a coffee shop (café) at Mustard Seed’s Lab School. But in just one year, God has blessed me with so many opportunities to learn and to love.
In November 2023, I landed in Indonesia and my journey began. The day after I arrived, was the first of many meetings with the construction manager and café interior designer.
While work has consumed most of my time, I have experienced incredible relationships and support here. During my first week, I was invited to join a weekly life group with four other American women. We talked over coffee about their experiences living in Indonesia. I learned many things from them and gained great advice.
The TransformNation (TfN) students have been my Indonesian community. I live in the TfN girls’ dorm with 22 new friends! They taught me how to wash my clothes by hand and how to clean the dorm during our mandatory 5am chores. My other community is a local church which is a beautiful blend of both Indonesians and foreigners who love Jesus. During those times, I’ve learned a lot. Not only as a teacher, but also as a student.
As a student, I’ve learned to laugh at myself and my mistakes. I have to be open, willing to accept corrections, and ask questions when I don’t understand. While I’ve seen so much growth in my Indonesian language learning, I’ve had to learn patience, knowing that becoming fluent doesn’t happen overnight, even when I wish it would. I am grateful for the TfN girls who are always willing to teach me the language. They let me practice with them and correct my grammar.
As a teacher, I’ve learned to manage my time and lesson plans effectively. While I co-teach Grades 10-12, my main focus is Grade 11. I have a group of five students who come and learn hands-on business skills in the café once a week. They learn to take inventory, manage the cash register, clean the café, in addition to making drinks. After having class with me, they sign up to work for two days during their recess and lunch time to practice what they have learned.

Danielle (left) with her student at Koinonia Café
I named the café “Koinonia” which means fellowship with one another and with God. While it is a place of learning, I pray it will also be a setting where authentic fellowship takes place.
While busy with teaching and adjusting to my new life, I’ve been blessed to be able to travel to other islands and see different Mustard Seed sites.
In January, I went on a field trip to Borneo with several high school students from an International School nearby. We stayed at Slippery Rock Children’s Home, attended their Christmas programs, played games, and went to the beach with them.
In May, I went with a team from the US to visit the River Village site in Borneo and Seeds of Hope Children’s Home in Bali. We stayed at the children’s homes and enjoyed playing games and sports, singing songs, sharing meals, and exchanging testimonies.
At all of these sites, I got to see the children’s love for God and for each other!

Danielle (left) in Sumbanese outfit in front of Sumbanese traditional house
In June, I went to Sumba where I had the opportunity to share my degree in music. I helped them to start the school’s music program. I planned music lessons and curriculum, and got to teach a teacher who had never learned music before. I taught her how to read rhythms and notes. I’m excited to continue working with them.
Reflecting on my first year as a field worker, God has been so good and faithful. And I look forward to how He will work in 2025!
Main Photo: Children of River Village Children’s Home in Borneo with Danielle and a US visiting team