Latest News
Everyday, we work tirelessly to empower youth and children. Find out latest story here:
MSI Virtual Event Streamed Live From the Papuan Highlands
On November 6th, approximately 50 MSI supporters gathered online for our virtual Meet the Teacher Night live from the Papuan Highlands. *** Harta...
A Pathway in the Wilderness
Hundreds of native Papuan men and women jumped and danced under the bright July sun. Their tanned skin was covered with white body paint. Colorful...
CI School Java Opened Its First Junior High in the Midst of the Pandemic
In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, those at CI School in Java are keeping their heads up and continue serving their community *** There was much...
Schools that Change Communities
It’s back to school time again! As you might be aware, our teachers and students in Indonesia have overcome great obstacles to stay connected in the...
New Hope. New Life. New Dreams.
By Paul Richardson “I stepped off the plane in Papua with a full heart. I was about to spend a week traveling with some of our best young teachers...
Unity in Diversity
"August 17 is Independence Day in Indonesia. Traditionally, this day is celebrated with a parade showing cultural outfits. People in cities and...
Eight New Teachers to Impact Thousands of Children
“Congratulations TransformNation Class E graduates: Martin, Evan, Caroline, Lionel, Maria, Jessica, Samuel, and Samantha! For four years they have...
Wind Beneath His Wings
“Fifteen years ago, an ordinary farmer’s boy with a history of stealing and mischief arrived at Mustard Seed’s school. Now, he is taking the lead to...
Prayer Blog
The work of Mustard Seed International is driven by prayers. Find the latest prayer requests from the field here:
Mountain Movers Prayer Fellowship July 2023
JULY 01-02 / COLOSSIANS 3:1-17Happy Canada Day! Blessings on all friends of Mustard Seed in Canada. God bless you with strength, longevity, and...
Mountain Movers Prayer Fellowship June 2023
JUNE 01 / GENESIS 1:1-2:4aHappy International Children’s Day: Pray for the children in Mustard Seed’s care to learn to know and love God with all...
Mountain Movers Prayer Fellowship May 2023
MAY 01 / JOHN 14:1-14Please pray for the transition of a school principal on Gapanau Island. Pray for Maria (TfN intern) who will lead for the next...