Western Archipelago

Located on a remote island 8 hours away by passenger boat from the main city, a couple built a village school in early 2020. The building was ready, but there was no one to teach the children. MSI responded to their need and sent two exceptional teachers to help set up their education system.

Faithful Footprints





Latest News from Western Archipelago

Nine Teachers Safely Arrived to Serve Remote Indonesian Villages

The Indonesian archipelago consists of 17,000 scattered islands inhabited by approximately 1,300 ethnic groups. It is home to 279 million people, 50-70 million of which are Indigenous Peoples. Thanks to MSI supporters' prayers and donation, nine TransformNation (TfN)...

GUIDED BY LOVE: Building a School with Faith and Purpose

Starting a school has been a meaningful journey filled with challenges that tested our love and commitment. One of the biggest challenges we faced was the complex process of getting permits from the local authorities. At the same time, we are dealing with unrealistic...

Female Interns Igniting Transformation in the Toughest Places

2023 has been a remarkable year for the TransformNation teacher-training program. A group of twelve female interns, who graduated in June, have embarked on a quest to bring hope to underserved places. The chart below shows where they are serving. They share their...

Journey to Mentawai

Mentawai’s school is located on one of the most remote islands of West Sumatera, Indonesia. This past summer, Kiera and Jules visited the school to encourage and provide constructive feedback to teacher-interns from the TransformNation (TfN) Program. This is their...

A Journey to the West

By Teacher EllyTransfomNation (TfN) Director I visited the most western part of Indonesia where an MSI partner school is located.I met with six TfN interns who have been serving children there for the past two years. After two thrilling days of travel by jet plane,...

Children Celebrate Christmas in Indonesia

We are happy to share the following pictures of Mustard Seed's children and teachers celebrating Christmas in Indonesia. Thank you for your commitment to loving and serving these children.   If you haven’t made your 2022 donation yet, there are still a few days left...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from us at Mustard Seed International! Thank you for your commitment to loving and serving children in Indonesia. Click below to see how Indonesian children celebrate Christmas in different islands. 

New Hope. New Life. New Dreams.

By Paul Richardson “I stepped off the plane in Papua with a full heart. I was about to spend a week traveling with some of our best young teachers and leaders." *** I had asked Ari, Siela, and Michael to meet me in Jayapura. Ari is the founder of a school on the...

Eight New Teachers to Impact Thousands of Children

“Congratulations TransformNation Class E graduates: Martin, Evan, Caroline, Lionel, Maria, Jessica, Samuel, and Samantha! For four years they have diligently studied in the TransformNation (TfN) program to become high quality teachers. They are now ready to go into...

Watch Mark & Randy in Action

Facts & Figures

Click on the pictures above to see Mark & Randy teaching children

Click above to see a village school being built by MSI's partner

About Mark & Randy

Mark is in his third year of his internship with TransformNation (TfN) program. Previously, he served at an MSI school on the Island of Promise for two years. Randy graduated from the TfN program in July 2020 and is in his first year of his internship. Both Mark & Randy are serving in the Western Archipelago for the first time.

Mark is a native Sumbanese and Randy is a native Sabunese. Their tribes live on islands located in the southern part of Indonesia.

About the Island

The Western Archipelago is located at the western part of Sumatra Island. The area is very famous for its surfing sites. In the district where MSI teachers are serving, there's around 90,000 people living there. Most of them depend on farming.  More than a third quarter of the population lives in poverty, with almost 10% struggling with illiteracy. Around 25,000 children stop schooling after junior high school.

Things to Discuss

1. What do you think is the most challenging part of serving children: building the school building or providing educators for them? Why?

2. How do you feel when you see that Mark's role and duty as a teacher is not only teaching in the classroom?

3. What kind of changes would you like to see in the lives of children in the Western Archipelago and how can you be a part of those changes?

4. Are there any questions you have about the work? What would you like to learn or understand better?

Prayer Requests

This is how you can pray for Mark, Randy, and the children of Western Archipelago

Prayer Requests

1. Please pray for Mark and Randy in their first year of serving. May they adjust well with the children they serve, the local teachers, partners, and the community.

2. Please pray for the development of the new school building. May God provide all that is needed.

3. Please pray for unity and peace amongst our partners, teachers, community, and the local government of the Archipelago, so they can put priority on serving and ministering to the children and their wellbeing.

Put Love into Action

We are a letter from Christ… written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts
(2 Corinthians 3:3)

Children's Corner

Eager to involve your children in learning about Beautiful Feet?